Monday, December 3, 2012

What Do SMTP Sending Limits Have To Do With Email Marketing?

Many people who run a website, especially one that encourages visitors to sign up for e newsletters, like to run email marketing campaigns that are designed to encourage recipients to make a purchase or engage further with the brand. If this is something you have been doing or are interested in doing, you will need to develop an understanding of SMTP sending limits.

Firstly, what are these limits? Basically, when you send an email through your main account, you are actually sending it through your web host’s SMTP mail server. When you are sending a moderate number of emails, this server will act as you expect it to. When you start sending a large amount of emails, however, you might exceed the number of requests that your web host has allocated to your website, resulting in error messages and unsent mail.

But why do web hosts impose SMTP sending limits? There are actually a number of reasons for this, including reducing the amount of spam that is sent by a single user and reducing the strain on the server’s resources. Email marketing often involves huge lists of recipients, which can clog up the server for other users who might be trying to send a single email.

So, what do you do if your SMTP sending limit is too low? Is marketing via email something that you will have to forget all about? Of course not! Try to strategically send your emails (split your list up and send them out across the entire day), use an alternate SMTP mail server, use a third-party email marketing company, or changeover to a new web host.

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